Between Now and the Swearing In?

Barack Hussein Obama will be sworn into office as the 44th president of the United States on January 20, 2009. Maybe.

But first George W. Bush must step down. My question is, will he? On December 19, 2000, less than a year into his presidency, W made this statement on national television: "A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." Yes, he offered up his nervous laugh when he said it, implying, I suppose, that he was just joking. But that nervous laugh, if you follow it through his presidency, seems not to indicate humor at all. What would it take for W to become an instant dictator?

The fact is, not very much. His administration has spent eight years undermining the fabric and power of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, usurping legislative branch power for executive branch power through various nefarious means, usually by playing the terrorism fear card, including taking unilateral illegal action under a vague interpretation of the War Powers Act or sometimes no Act at all, making contradictory legislation and creating new Acts that run roughshod over the checks and balances of our governing system, e.g. the Patriot Act and its Improvement and Reauthorization Act (2001 & 2006) and the Military Commissions Act (2006). And there are presidential directives, such as The 'National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive' that ostensibly allows the president dictatorial powers in the event of any national emergency or threat along with the right to remain in office for as long as the emergency or threat exists.

You will also recall that in 2005 W's Attorney General Gonzales tried to defend the president's decision to allow spying on Americans without obtaining judicial warrants in accordance with the FISA law. Gonzales claimed that Congress authorized this when it granted Bush the power to fight terrorism in the 'Authorization to use Military Force' resolution, which was passed just days after 9/11. Senator Russ Feingold responded: "This is just an outrageous power grab. Nobody, nobody, thought when we passed a resolution to invade Afghanistan and to fight the war on terror, including myself who voted for it, thought that this was an authorization to allow a wiretapping against the law of the United States. There's two ways you can do this kind of wiretapping under our law. One is through the criminal code, Title III; the other is through the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. That's it. That's the only way you can do it. You can't make up a law and deriving it from the Afghanistan resolution. The president has, I think, made up a law that we never passed."

Since W is only a figurehead of the greater New World Order, I believe that had John McCain– a man who also would be a dictator, as we learned on October 1, 2008, when he said without so much as a smile, "If I were dictator, which I always aspire to be . . . " -- won the presidency, W would have been allowed to vacate the White House. But Obama prevailed, and plan B may have been activated.

The US military, under unknown direction, has been generating its own preemptive terrorist-like attacks involving innocent victims across borders outside its war zones and/or in civilian areas where they claim to be hunting down Taliban insurgents or al Qaeda terrorists before they can attack us in Iraq or elsewhere. They have made these mysterious raids into villages in Syria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, killing and maiming children, women, and other civilians at construction sites, wedding parties, and other everyday gatherings. Leaders of these countries have beseeched W to discontinue these attacks, but seemingly to no avail, as they have continued right up to election day. Barack Obama has already been called upon by Afghanistan, for one, pleading that he stop these inexcusable, unexplainable, acts of aggression. Why are they happening, and why so many so close to the election?

And the day after the election Russia announced that they are ready to deploy short-range missiles in Poland to defend against the US plans to build a missile defense system in eastern Europe.

There are also other indications that the United States, still led by the Bush Administration for the next seventy-some days, may be covertly trying to start a major world military crisis for the distinct purpose of declaring martial law in the name of homeland security, indefinitely curtailing the transition to the forthcoming Obama administration.

Hey, all that, and we haven't even addressed the sudden onset of the global financial crisis – no doubt the commencement of the final stage of the international neo-fascist movement of the New World Order.

It bothers me deeply that the US has become such a warlike, aggressive, nation under W (who wants to be remembered as the War President), perhaps carrying out the PNAC agenda, with little regard for international cooperation or compassion for no apparent reason.

Let us hope and pray that my dark vision is wrong – signifying nothing more than an overactive imagination.


Copyright (©2008) Albert Lloyd Williams


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