Thoughts on the Art of Creation: the Power of Sexuality in the Cosmos

Blogger's Note: This essay is adapted from the introduction to Mansions of the Moon: the Recluse, a novel in the throes of editing, by Albert Lloyd Williams.

In the cosmos there is nothing more important than universal expansion born of never-ending procreation coupled with the eternal survival of that already created, for progressive creation is the ultimate power possessed by all living organisms. Every life form, on earth at least, is driven instinctively to create and nurture life of its own kind, and when all is said and done sexual union and procreation is the path that provides the way to eternal life and the divine honor of having created vital new life. Each life form intuitively strives toward perfection and the final reward of divine empowerment: the consummate sexual union between transcendent gods and goddesses, eternally united as one, creating the androgynous power of pure Consciousness.

All life has within it the innate sexual drive to preserve and renew its own species, and the higher the life form on the creative scale, the more conscious and powerful the sexual drive. Ironically, life forms ruthlessly jockey for position among other life forms in order to gain creative superiority. It follows that the higher the life form, the stronger the will to survive, hence the more powerful the libido. The human sexual drive is greater than that of plants and lower animals, but less than that of higher forms of life such as, perhaps, the immanent gods and goddesses who created us, or those deities who nurture us and protect us as our divine mentors and overseers. The myth of overt sexual relationships between gods and humans is legendary, and even in the Holy Bible such relationships are made abundantly clear as early as the 6th chapter of The First Book of Moses Called Genesis:

" . . . The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took themselves of all which they chose." (Genesis 6:2)

It has long been known by those who study such things and who possess the courage, candor, integrity, and clarity of mind to objectively evaluate the true nature of sexuality that there is, in reality, no contradiction between overt sexuality and religious spirituality. I contend that not only is there no contradiction, but that there is a divine relationship between sexuality and spirituality that the duplicitous patriarchy of modern society has nefariously repressed both temporally and ecclesiastically through the propaganda of false doctrine by way of secular and religious deceit and oppression – especially of women.

Sexuality is in and of itself a sacred, effeminately sensual, quality of divine grace and beauty, and those who possess it openly without guilt, or suppressing it as moralistic turpitude, enjoy a higher consciousness level than the run-of-the-mill human being. Such enlightened demi-deities strive to protect, nurture, and renew our species and, indeed, all life in the same manner of all other higher forms of benevolent creative beings – like the gods and goddesses who are our own creators, mentors, and overseers.

But, it appears that with certain higher life forms – perhaps not inclusive of the highest life forms, though -- we have a problem, and that is the malevolent innate desire to control that which we create and to create in our own image at the expense of the same or similar life forms. This desire to dominate is unfortunately natural and a very real part of the libido, as well as one of the prime causes of war and genocide.

Most of us today worship a jealous, hubristic, god who places his own creative interest above all others, and who would eagerly destroy all that he has previously created in order to preserve his own self-righteous dominance at the expense of everything else. To Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike, his own biography written by his army of archons, prophets, and priests, tells us that he has done so over and over, proving repeatedly that he creates only to pleasure himself and not for the benefit of his own kind nor for those he has created.

The Nag Hammadi texts tell us he is imperfect, created in error by the masturbatory conscious thought of Sophia without the necessary coupling with her consort. Ashamed of her offspring, she hid him away, but in her feminine compassion gave him dominance over the earth (her own creation, too, but in conscious intercourse with the ALL -- the Most High -- that time). But Sophia allowed her bastard son free reign, at first ignoring him, then patiently correcting his futile inept efforts to create a viable being in his own image, eventually leading to what he is today: an unworthy god, nearly all-powerful on our earth, yet full of hubris. His name is Yaldabaoth, or Yahweh, or Jehovah, or Allah (or Samael and other names), and he likes to call himself God. He is a duplicitous god – the great misogynist of the Patriarchy -- who speaks to his own creations in this manner:

"Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people which are round about you; (for the LORD thy God is a jealous god among you) lest the anger of the LORD thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from the face of the earth." (Deuteronomy 6:14,15)

For those who know the myth of Sophia's descent, ascension, redemption, and the truth of her Gnostic gifts (wisdom) -- and of the Eleusinian mysteries, hierosgamos, and the bridal chamber of the Pleroma – overt sexuality and divine spirituality are synonymous, sacred, and deeply feminine.


Note: We will explore these mysteries and how they apply to each of us as we continue with the Recluse blog.

Copyright Albert Lloyd Williams (©2008)


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